They remember what you might be.” –Jim Henson “I at all times knew we might end up living our final years in the ruins after the collapse of civilization. Give a man a bank and he can rob the world.” –Jim Trotter? “Be nice to folks. No eye of the tiger BS should you ain’t received tendons left.” –@sng “Crashing fifteen hundred systems in someday in the streets hapless techno-weenie in the sheets.” –@cat “Give a man a gun and he can rob a financial institution. “While you were riding about the country in expensive motor-automobiles, and galloping proudly on blood-horses, and breakfasting on the fat of the land, those two poor devoted animals have been camping out in the open, in each sort of weather, living very rough by day and mendacity very arduous by night time; watching over your home, patrolling your boundaries, maintaining a continuing eye on the stoats and the weasels, scheming and planning and contriving the best way to get your property again for you. Consent shouldn’t be a transitive property.” –Munin “I try not to use a lot supplementation any extra, as it largely just makes for expensive urine, however sometimes I just need to take the little I get from it as insurance coverage and the little elevate.” –Warren Ellis, on vitamins Two fucks diverged in a wood, and i – I took the one not given. “A less transcendent property of Python 2.7.18 is that it’s the final Python 2.7 release and therefore the last Python 2 launch.

At the point where the illusion becomes too costly to maintain, they will simply take down the scenery, they may pull again the curtains, they’ll transfer the tables and chairs out of the best way and you will see the brick wall at the again of the theater.” –Frank Zappa “Nature shouldn’t be obliged to obey our speculations.” –Carl Sagan “Things went wrong. Just try to be kind and assist others meet their needs.” –KB Spangler “Amazing at how schools and work places immediately are open to accessibility practices now that ‘normal’ people are asking for them, and not simply the disabled.” –Milly “Trying out this espresso app referred to as Grindr. Where I ought to have been fixing critical issues within the system I was pulled off to do shit like add farting unicorns.” –Anonymous ex-Tesla software engineer, publish-NDA “When the chips are down, that’s when you will need to look around and say: ‘Yes, there are things value combating for. The few people who live near you, the few individuals who know you on-line, and many others.” –Pookleblinky “Conspiracies make silly people feel smart.” –Dennis Detwiller “There are ethical and moral land mines everywhere in safety.

Kids have not but developed complicated self-bullshitting mechanisms like the remainder of us.” –Max Anton Brewer “Bold of you to assume that the string is massless and infinitely flexible.” –Diodelass “The issue is not whether or not, as I discover myself being asked lately ”now we have a future,” however that we do, absolutely, have a future.” –William Gibson “All issues make more sense when one realizes that there’s no less than one perspective that’s not one’s personal.” –Aristotle Tzafalias “Preppers assume folks snicker at them for being ready, but that is not the case at all. Thank you.” –lucas-tl “Attention in search of habits in children is named a disorder and a focus in search of habits in adults known as social media.” –@swiftonsecurity “Remember, when individuals on the web have an opinion about something, it has extra to do with their own psychological hangups than it does with actuality.” –Max Anton Brewer “The saddest side of life proper now is that science gathers data sooner than society gathers knowledge.” –Isaac Asimov “A 3rd arm would be a very useful mannequin making tool.” –Adam Savage “I am a agency believer in doing it as soon as, and letting future civilizations surprise at it.” –Hasufin “After inhaling all of Downton Abbey in five days, I came to the conclusion that it’s propaganda designed to humanize the very rich, so they don’t end up like the Romanovs.” –Cintra Wilson “Instant gratification takes too long.” –Carrie Fisher “It is exceptional simply how strange it feels to observe society fall apart, as a person with cPTSD.

The Basics: Sex Headaches - WebMD - YouTube The data economy workforce is aimless and medicated. Labor’ doesn’t even actually exist.” –Isaac Wilks “Riding the photon gun, like some sort of Cathode Ray cowboy.” –Remote Nemesis “Most mathematicians are not writing for folks. There’s at all times time to color a dinosaur.” –Arcus “Get more out of life: See a fucked up film.” –John Waters “The key to each successful hustle is that the con artist can don’t have any shame.” –Stonekettle “Social contact is a elementary human want in a means that TPS stories are decidedly not. Through some undesirable phrases from Phil and a confirmation of no payment from Sam, all the fashions stroll out disgusted. NyQuil did it once more – this time I tok it later within the evening however handed out by 2300 EST. I think it was the sheer effort of staying awake that was messing with my mind Monday night and never a lot the medication within the cough syrup. Capital is recalcitrant, entrenched, and time preferences far too brief. You’ve gotta hand it to Sandler: even when he diverts from the method, he still finds new methods to cellphone it in.